10th May 2010
report duty at KPJ Ampang Puteri .
830am went to HR Department.
fill in the form.
then akak tu bagi this nametag.
so i have to wear this.
ermm.. boleh tag kalo kita buang perkataan "TRAINEE" tu? wahahahaha.. :))
i have to meet Finance Manager. but she was on meeting at that time.so i have to wait for her.
wait from 10 till 1 o'clock.
lepas tu ada interview session ngan beliau. purpose interview tersebut- to know which unit is suit with me. because Finance department got 6 units..which are bla bla bla (malas nk type) . and i be assigned to Credit Admin unit.. my supervisor for the time being is Encik Jaafar.. he's very kind and handsome ! still young ok.. ngeh3..
ouh. in da afternoon, i was assign to key in this bunch of data.. aaaaaaaaa.. seriously juling mata. and x siap pon td. so i'll continue to do this tomorrow...
but seriously, from deep inside my heart, student's life is the best !!!!! boleh tdo smpai lebam. boleh ponteng. skang ni mane blh nk wt cm tu dah. :((
amat penat. rasa nak demam. kena tido awal. esok start drive sendiri. semoga selamat pergi dan balik.. ngeeee....
kenapa org Finance kerja bagai nak stress? ouh ouh. sy tak suka environment sebegitu. huhu.
miss my friends~ XOXO
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